About RDS
Amazon RDS is a web service to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient, re-sizable capacity for a relational database and manages common database administration tasks.
Importing database into RDS
To import a database on RDS use the following command:
#mysql -h [host-name] -u [user-name] -p[password] dbname < backupdb.sql
-h: specify the rds hostname here
-u: specify the rds username
-p: Enter password for rds user
Exporting database from RDS
To export database from rds use the following command
#mysqldump -h [host-name] -u [user-name] -p[password] dbname > backupdb.sql
-h: specify the rds hostname here
-u: specify the rds username
-p: Enter password for rds user
That’s all!