There are sites which affected malware can clean through immunify and clear the malware and upload it back.There are only a few steps to scan a site.
Step1: Take a .tar or .zip of the website (public_html) that affects the malware, download it through ftp or if the site is working use wget command to download the compressed file.
Step2: Move the compressed file to the document root of the plesk site.
path to : /var/www/vhosts/sites/htdocs .
Step3: Create a directory in the above path and move the compressed directory into it. After that:
extract the directory.
Change the ownership
Step4: Login to the Plesk Panel
: Locate the immunify and select the domain name that we uploaded our files.

Click on scan
The scanning may take some time.
after that click on clean.
We can see the scan report after the scanning is completed.
Step5: Delete the old compressed file and compress the file that was scanned. And upload to the website.
Step6: Extract the directory containing the website files and move the old directory to for example: public_html_backup.
That’s all!!